Tenure-track faculty (W2)
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

Email: mtoneva [at] mpi-sws [dot] org
Office: Room 438 in E1.5, Saarbrücken, Germany

Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar


My research is at the intersection of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Neuroscience, with a focus on building computational models of language processing in the brain that can also improve natural language processing systems. See this 5min video for a brief summary of my research highlights and future directions.

I lead the Bridging AI and Neuroscience group (BrAIN) at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. I'm actively looking for strong candidates for postdoctoral, PhD, and research internship positions.

Prior to MPI-SWS, I was a C.V. Starr Fellow at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, where I studied the role of episodic memory in language comprehension together with Ken Norman and Uri Hasson. I received my Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in a joint program between Machine Learning and Neural Computation, where I had the privilege of being advised by Leila Wehbe and Tom Mitchell towards my Ph.D. thesis "Bridging Language in Machines with Language in the Brain". Before beginning my graduate studies at CMU, I received a B.S. in both Computer Science and Cognitive Science from Yale University.

I also enjoy taking care of (helpful) bacteria and yeast and turning them into Bulgarian yogurt, kombucha, and sourdough bread from time to time. One of my favorite ways to relax is to bike or run along the many beautiful European paths with my husband Christoph Dann, who is always looking for sample efficient ways to reinforce my learning.


Recent and Upcoming Talks

For previous talks, see here or my CV.