Bridging AI and Neuroscience (BrAIN) Group

Emin Çelik
Gabriele Merlin
PhD Student
Cameron Braunstein
PhD Student
Co-advised by Eddy Ilg
Blerta Veseli
PhD Student
Co-advised by Alexander Koller
Mathis Pink
PhD Student
Co-advised by Isabel Valera
Camila Kolling
PhD Student
Co-advised by Krishna Gummadi
Omer Moussa
PhD Student in a CS@MaxPlanck rotation
Michela Proietti
Research Intern

BrAIN Alumni

Research Interns: Masters Students:

How to apply to join BrAIN

To indicate your interest to join BrAIN as a Postdoc, PhD student, Masters student, or a Research Intern, please send an email to the PI with details about your research interests, relevant previous research experiences, and an up-to-date CV. Applications for Research Interns and PhD students are reviewed by central committees and you can find more details about the application processes below: